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Revolutionizing Steel and Metal Production with AI

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AI to increase yield, improve material properties, and optimize energy usage.

Wizata's AI solutions meet the high demands of steel and metal manufacturing. Our technology enhances metallurgical process precision, optimizes furnace operations, and improves metal mechanical properties through data-driven insights and real-time process control.

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Industry / Metal & Mining

Metal & Mining Industry

Key Benefits


Increased Production Efficiency: AI-driven optimizations reduce cycle times and enhance throughput without compromising quality.

Improved Alloy Quality: AI monitors and adjusts the chemical composition and temperature during smelting to ensure optimal alloy characteristics.

Energy Optimization: AI algorithms optimize energy consumption throughout the manufacturing process, significantly lowering costs and reducing environmental impact.

Predictive Maintenance: AI predicts equipment failures and schedules maintenance to minimize downtime and extend machinery life.

How it works?

 Step 1: AI ensures the best use of raw materials based on quality and availability.

 Step 2: Dynamically control furnace conditions to maximize metal quality and efficiency.

 Step 3: Continuous AI inspection of metal properties during production to guarantee standards are met.


 Step 4: AI evaluates and adjusts processes to meet sustainability goals, reducing waste and emissions.

Wizata - How it works

Demonstrating ROI


Implementing our AI solutions has enabled steel and metal manufacturers to reduce energy costs by up to 20%, increase product yield by 15%, and decrease maintenance-related downtime by 25%.

ROI Metal & Mining Industry Vertical

Advance your Steel Production with AI

Delve into real-world examples showcasing how our AI innovations have revolutionized steel and metal production plants, resulting in remarkable improvements in productivity, excellence, and eco-friendliness. Uncover the potential of AI to redefine your manufacturing operations. 

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Case Study Metal & Mining