Advanced AI: from predictive to prescriptive analytics
In the competitive manufacturing landscape, a spreadsheet won’t work anymore. In a couple of years,...
Optimize your production of AI is considering the full picture
As production lines approach sometimes the complexity of a biologic cell, it’s becoming...
From predictive to prescriptive maintenance-Wizata at Euromaintenance4
Combining IoT, artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics, the 4th industrial revolution...
Want to start an AI project? Here's some advice from our experts
Are you planning to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the future, as are 46% of CIOs...
Wizata, the Luxembourg asset of the steel giants
The Luxembourgish start-up raised €1.5 million to pursue its development. Specialized in the...
This fundraising supports our growth
What happens to the startups that made the news at the beginning of this year? Paperjam checked on...
Wizata confirms its Cloud excellence with a Microsoft Gold competency
Gold Cloud Platform is the name of the latest competency acquired by Wizata. What does that mean...
Why the manufacturing industry is ripe for artificial intelligence
How predictive and prescriptive analytics accelerate innovation